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Debugging Quaternions and Using findBestQuaternion

This workflow extends the Quaternion Debugging workflow by introducing the use of findBestQuaternion to fix the orientation of a satellite. In this process, we use the function to align a body vector of the satellite in the direction of a target while keeping a second (body) vector as well aligned with another direction. The goal is to align the satellite to a specific attitude, improving its positioning and ensuring proper orientation.

For a detailed breakdown of the basic quaternion debugging process, you can refer to the workflow at Debugging Quaternions.

1. Set up the simulation

As in the previous workflow, we start by setting up the scene and initializing the satellite's position and orientation.

// Reset scene so that we can hit execute repeatedly  on this sample 
// script without errors

// Simulation params
const target_coords_ecef = geo2xyz([60.186, 24.828, 0]);
const satellite_location_geo = [62.0, 34.0, 500.0];
// quaternions are in xyzw order
const satellite_bad_quat = [

// Move the default point, 'sat', to somewhere somewhat near Helsinki
mov("sat", satellite_location_geo, true);
// Add a point over the previously calculated coords
addPoint("KS", target_coords_ecef);
// Connect "sat" to new point
createLine("sat2KS", "sat", "KS");
// Rotate 'sat' to buggy quaternion
rot("sat", satellite_bad_quat);
// Calculate angle between z-axis of 'sat' and 'sat2KS'
angle("sat2KS", [`point`](/dsl/points/#point)("sat").frame.z);

Lets now fix the satellite's orientation using the findBestQuaternion function.

2. Correcting the Satellite's Orientation

In this example, we will correct the orientation of the satellite using findBestQuaternion. We aim to point the satellite's local z-axis to the nadir direction and align the secondary vector (in this case, the y-axis) as closely as possible to the z-axis of the Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed (ECEF) system.

point("sat").addCamera(50);  // Add a "camera" to the satellite in the default orientation
let good_quat = findBestQuaternion(
    point("sat").cameraBodyDirection, // The satellite's body z-axis (camera direction)
    "y",                              // The secondary body vector (y-axis)
    "sat->KS",                        // The vector from sat to the target point "KS"
    [0, 0, 1]                         // The target for the secondary vector (aligning y-axis to Earth's z-axis)
rot("sat", good_quat);

A few things to note here are:

  1. The arguments to findBestQuaternion can either be vectors of the form [number, number, number] or named lines or vectors defined by the same point1->point2 we described for the angle function in the Debugging Quaternions workflow.

  2. OrientedPoints may have a camera that by default is pointed in the direction of the z-axis of the body frame. We can access the pointing direction (if a camera has been added to the point) via the cameraBodyDirection

3. Visualizing the Results

By running the above code, you can adjust the satellite's orientation, so its local axes match the desired directions. The findBestQuaternion function returns a quaternion that rotates the satellite to the correct orientation, aligning both its primary and secondary body vectors to the target directions.

Once the quaternion is applied, the satellite's rotation is corrected, and the angle between the satellite's z-axis and the line from sat to KS will be minimized.

With this method, you can easily correct the orientation of a satellite based on its primary and secondary body vectors and their target directions, ensuring accurate visualization and analysis in your 3D environment.