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Class: OrientedPoint (Subclass of Point)

The OrientedPoint class extends Point and introduces orientation in 3D space using quaternions. It also supports adding a camera to the point.

Camera Configuration

The CameraConfig interface defines the configuration for cameras attached to points:

interface CameraConfig {
  orientation: Vector4;  // Quaternion defining camera orientation
  fov: number;           // Field of view in degrees


constructor(geometry: THREE.Group, cameraConfig?: CameraConfig)
geometryTHREE.GroupA THREE.Group object representing the point in 3D space
cameraConfigCameraConfig(Optional) Configuration for the attached camera

If a camera configuration is provided, a camera will be added to the point's THREE.Group and named _camera for identification. The camera will be oriented according to the provided configuration.


frame{ x, y, z: Vector3 }Returns the local coordinate frame vectors (x, y, z) of the point. Each vector is represented as a tuple [x, y, z].
cameraTHREE.Camera | nullGetter: Returns the first attached camera named "Camera" in the point's group or null if no such camera exists.



Adds a THREE.PerspectiveCamera to the point's group using the provided configuration.

addCamera(config: CameraConfig): void
configCameraConfigConfiguration object containing camera orientation and FOV

The camera will be oriented according to the configuration's orientation quaternion and use the specified field of view. Throws an error if a camera named "_camera" already exists in the group.